
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Forex Education – These Traders Learned Trading in Just 14 Days and Made Millions - How?

Author: Kelly Price | Posted: 07-09-2007

If you want to learn forex and get the best Forex education you need to know about “the turtles” You may never have heard of them but these traders learned to trade in just 14 days ( they had no previous experience and went on to make $100 million! How did they do it? Let’s find out.

In 1984, trading legend Richard Dennis taught a Trend Following trading methodology to the group of students above, to prove that the skills required to trade successfully could be specifically learned by ANYONE.

Dennis was settling An argument with business partner William Eckhardt.

Dennis believed anyone could learn to trade, Eckhardt disagreed.

The “turtle” experiment was then carried out to prove who was right and all the potential traders were from different walks of life and all had no experience of trading.

The group included:

• An actor

• A security guard

• Two card players

• An auditor

• A boy fresh from school

• A woman exchange clerk

The Experiment

This group of 14 traders then proved Dennis right by earning an average annual compound rate of return of 80%, making over $100 million dollars for Dennis and many went on to become trading legends who still trade today.

What You Can Learn From The Turtles?

If you are embarking upon learning Forex trading and getting a Forex education the experiment has several key points you need to consider in your own Forex trading strategy.

The reason most traders fail is simply they cannot get the right mindset to succeed and this sees 95% lose.

The turtle trading experiment taught them the RIGHT MINDSET to trade successfully and gave them a set of rules they could believe in and have confidence in.

The system they were taught was simple, anyone could learn it and Dennis knew that simple systems work best as not only are they more robust in real time trading than complicated ones – but they are easier for traders to have confidence in as well.

Dennis taught them to have confidence in the system they were trading, and follow it rigidly to achieve success and this is the simple formula you need to learn as part of your own Forex education – if you do you could enjoy currency trading success to.

A Simple System + Discipline = Trading Success

Keep in mind they did this all in 14 days!

So its not the effort you put it in that makes a forex trader successful its working smart in the right areas that will give you success.


You don’t get a reward in Forex trading for being clever or working hard, you get your reward for being RIGHT – PERIOD.

So when you consider your own Forex trading get a simple system that you can have confidence in and you will then be able to apply it with rigid discipline - this is really the key to currency trading success.

Of course you may not become as rich as the turtles did but if you learn the right Forex education you can become a successful trader the opportunity is open to all and the potential is huge.

Forex trading is an exciting challenge so if you have the right mindset and are prepared to work hard in the right areas you could change your financial future for ever. The question is:

The challenge is open but are you up to the challenge? -If you are welcome to the worlds most exciting business opportunity!

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